Believe it or not…
Termites have been around since the time of the dinosaurs.
Termites spend a great deal of time grooming each other. Their good hygiene is important to their survival, as it keeps parasites and harmful bacteria under control within the colony.
Termite fathers help raise their young.
Termite workers and soldiers are almost always blind.
When termite soldiers detect a threat, they tap warning signals to the colony.
During a scientific study, termites ate wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music.
About 40 termite species live in the United States, most in the southeast.
Termite colonies eat non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Termites never sleep.
Termites are social insects. They raise their young as a group.
Like cows and humans, termites produce methane gas through biological processes. Termites are the second largest natural producers of methane gas.
Subterranean termites are the most destructive type. They live in colonies of over a million members, and can destroy wood foundations and support beams, home exteriors, plastic plumbing pipes, insulation and more. This is the main type of termite that we deal with in Georgia. They cause over $2 billion in damage each year.
Termites cause more destruction than hail storms, wind storms, tornadoes and hurricanes combined.
The total weight of all of the termites in the world is more than the weight of all the humans in the world.
Ants are termites main predator.
Termites can actually die if exposed to sunlight, that’s what they travel in mud tubes and establish colonies below ground.
The protein content in termites is higher than in beef.
Termites are fried and sold like fast food in Zaire.
A gourmet delight in Singapore is 2-inch long termite queens. For only a few dollars you can have them served either live, dipped in alcohol, or preserved in a fine rice wine.
Termites are social insects that live in colonies with caste systems, which means termites are organized into different social classes based on their roles and responsibilities.
The termite caste system has three levels: reproductives, workers, and soldiers.
Termites build the largest nests of any insect.
View our Pest I.D pages on our website to learn more about termites. Also check out our You Tube video for simple ways to pest proof your home.
can actually die if exposed to sunlight , that’s why they travel in mud tubes and live in nest either below or above ground can actually die if exposed to sunlight , that’s why they travel in mud tubes and live in nest either below or above ground