Did you know that there are an estimated 2,000 species of fleas worldwide, with more than 300 types found in the U.S.? Fleas are the most common parasite found on fur-bearing animals with our dogs and cats included.
We are writing a series about these fleas that most affect us in the United States:
What is an Oriental Rat Flea?
The Oriental Rat Flea and its scientific name is Zenopsylla Cheopis. These fleas are 1/16 – 1/8 inch long and are dark reddish-brown in color. An Oriental Rat Flea transmits the Plague.
These fleas are wingless, hard-bodied (difficult to crush between fingers), and have three pairs of legs. Allowing easy movement between the hair, fur or feathers of the host are excellent jumpers, leaping vertically up to seven inches and horizontally thirteen inches.
On their body projecting backward, they have piercing-sucking mouthparts and spines.
Larvae are 1/4-inch long, slender, straw-color, brown-headed, wormlike, bristly-haired creatures (13 body segments), that are legless, have chewing mouthparts, are active, and avoid light. Pupae are enclosed in silken cocoons covered with particles of debris.
They are commonly found in clothing, bedding or near areas where host animals sleep or in the fur of the host animal. Fleas spread through homes, buildings, and yards.
Normally after a blood meal, the female flea lays about 15 to 20 eggs per day up to 600 in a lifetime usually on the host which can include dogs, cats, rats, mice, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, opossums, foxes, chickens, humans, etc.). Eggs loosely laid in the hair coat, drop out most anywhere, especially where the host rests, sleeps or nests (rugs, carpets, upholstered furniture, cat or dog boxes, kennels, sandboxes, etc.). Outdoor development occurs in sandy gravel soils (moist sandboxes, dirt crawlspace under the house, under shrubs, etc.) where the pet may rest.
Larvae avoid light because they are blind. They pass through three larval instars and take a week to several months to develop. They feed on digested blood from adult flea feces, hair, feathers, dead skin, and other organic debris.
In order to survive or lay eggs, adult fleas need a blood meal. They can go from two months to one year without feeding. After a family returns from an extended vacation, there is a need for flea control.
If you get the plague from one of these fleas, here are the symptoms of each type of plague:
Pneumonic: chills, fever, cough and difficulty breathing; rapid shock and death if not treated early
Bubonic: tender, enlarged, lymph nodes, fever, chills, and prostration
Septicemia: chills, fever, prostration, abdominal pain, shock and bleeding into the skin and other organs
Type of Damage
Flea bites cause a persistent, annoying itch. Scratching the area of the bite causes the skin to be irritated. Some fleas, especially the oriental rat fleas, are capable of transmitting diseases such as endemic typhus and bubonic plague. Fortunately, such instances of disease transmission to humans are rare in the southeastern United States.
Suggestions to prevent having Oriental Rat Fleas are:
- Trim lawns and weeds to create a drier, less-ideal environment for flea larvae.
- Keep your dogs in fenced in yards to prevent them from roaming freely in heavily infested areas or contacting other infested animals.
- Discourage nesting or roosting of rodents and birds on or near the premises. Screen or seal vents, chimneys, crevices, etc. where rats, mice, squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks, etc. may use to enter crawlspaces and buildings.
- Keep your dog bedding cleaned
- Groom your pets regularly
- Vacuum often
Please let our team of professionals help you with fleas in your home and property. Don’t spend your valuable time dealing with things that we can handle for you. If you’re in any of the surrounding areas, give Proactive Pest Control a call at 770-800-PEST or 770-800-7378.
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