Mosquito treatments are typically performed either by a licensed pest control company, or sometimes by a municipality. Mosquito treatments are normally done in areas with high numbers of mosquitoes, in areas with lots of conducive conditions for mosquito activity and mosquito breeding grounds, and during the warm months of the year, which are typically the most active. In our area (Georgia), we normally perform mosquito treatments from the months of March to September. It’s important to note that these treatments are not mosquito elimination treatments, but rather mosquito reduction treatments. There are lots of things that you as the home owner can do instead of or in addition to the chemical mosquito treatments to assist in the success of your mosquito reduction program.
When performing a mosquito reduction treatment, the technician will typically use either a gas powered backpack sprayer, or some other type of ULV device. Using a water / pesticide mixture labeled for mosquitoes and the target application areas, the technician will apply product throughout your yard, focusing on areas bushes, other foliage, shady areas, etc. These areas, especially the undersides of leaves, serve as resting places for mosquitoes during hot spring and summer days.
In addition to the liquid application, the technician will likely also apply some sort of granular growth regulator product to any areas that retain water. These areas serve as excellent breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Being that mosquitoes can breed in areas as little as just a small cap full of water, it’s very important that both you and the technician do a thorough inspection of your property to identify and rectify any areas that might be of concern. Common culprits are old tires, flower pots, wagons, old swimming pools, ruts in the yard, etc.
In summary, mosquito reduction treatments work by treating the areas in which mosquitoes hang out and rest, in addition to areas in which they breed. Remember that correcting any conducive conditions is vital to a successful mosquito reduction program.