Have you ever seen an American Cockroach? Chances are that you have, but you probably call it something different. I have heard my customers refer to them as palmetto bugs, water bugs, and even wood roaches. One of my customers refers to them as 747’s, because of their size, and because she says that they look like Boeing 747’s flying through the air. And yes…they fly! I have also heard countless people say that the palmetto bug is not actually a roach.
So is the palmetto bug a roach? Yes. Like other roaches, palmetto bugs (American Roaches) are often found in damp, dark areas, basements, near water pipes, boiler rooms, etc. One may also find them inhabiting landscaping around a residence. Although they primarily stay outdoors, they may invade a home if the climate changes or food runs low. Inside homes, they may be found lurking in food preparation areas. Whereas other roaches tend to hide in nooks and crannies, American cockroaches tend to congregate out in the open.
The American Cockroach is described as reddish-brown in color, up to 2 inches in size, and having an oblong oval body with antennae, and a yellow band behind the head. Click here for a more detailed description and habits of this roach.