Are cockroaches attracted to light?
Cockroaches are nocturnal, which means that they are active at night, and sleep during the daytime. Cockroaches generally run away when they are exposed to light. One exception to this rule is the Asian Cockroach, which is attracted to light.
As the name suggests, the Asian Cockroach is originally from Asia. It can now be found throughout the world, and has heavily spread throughout the southeastern U.S. Like other roaches, the Asian roach will feed on any available food source. They are known to spread germs, and can spread diseases to humans. They breed often and have a very short gestation period, which means that they can be hard to control. Asian cockroaches reach their peak populations during the warm months of the year.
How do you know if you have them?
Asian cockroaches and German cockroaches are very similar. They are about the same size, and they both have similar markings. They are both light brown and have two parallel lines behind their head. The best way to tell them apart is by the way they behave. Asian cockroaches can fly, whereas German roaches cannot. Asian roaches mainly live outdoors, whereas German roaches tend to live / infest indoors.
Even though Asian roaches are usually found outside, they have been known to enter homes. They are most active in the late evening hours, and will fly long distances toward sources of light. They may try to enter your home to reach light sources such as lamps, t.v’s, etc. Make sure that your window screens are in tact, and that all doors / windows are properly sealed. Doing so will greatly reduce your chances of being invaded by these flying roaches. If your home has already been invaded, call us for a free pest control estimate.