I have bed bugs. Do I need to throw my bed away?
So you have bed bugs…and you’re wondering if you need to throw away your bed? YES! You should definitely get rid of your bed, and any other furniture that you are able to part with.
I have heard several people say that they can’t afford to throw out their bed, and my response to them is that they can’t afford not to! It’s not uncommon for a treatment to cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. In addition to being expensive, a typical warranty period that the pest control company will give you for bed bugs is usually no more than 90 days. After 90 days, they do not guarantee that you will not have a re-emergence of bed bugs. Under the above circumstances, I would recommend that you do everything you can to help ensure the success of the treatment, which includes but is not limited to throwing out the bed.
There are apartment complexes in our area that have bed bug addendum’s written into their contract that state, should a tenant develop a bed bug problem, the tenant is required to pay for any and all treatments, and the tenant is also required to throw away ALL furniture in any rooms where bed bugs have been sighted. In addition to throwing their furniture away, tenants are also forbidden from throwing the beds / furniture away at the apartment dumpsters. They have to take them to a dump, or somewhere off of the property.
Bed bugs sound pretty serious, right? THEY ARE!