November 15, 2016Can snakes climb?Snakes are excellent at a lot of things, including being incredible escape artists, swimming, blending into their surroundings, and for some snakes, even climbing. As part of our pest control…Read More
October 15, 2016The importance of using new pesticidesRotating or switching out the pesticides that you are using is very important, regardless of the type of pest you are trying to kill. Why? Because pests can and will…Read More
October 1, 2016Can ants live in the walls of my house?Can ants live in the walls of my house? Yes, they can. It’s estimated that there are more than 12,000 species of ants world-wide, and about 1,000 species in the…Read More
August 31, 2016Apple cider vinegar and fruit fliesHave an issue with fruit flies or gnats? The first thing you should do is try to identify the source. Do you have overflowing trash that should have been taken…Read More
August 15, 2016Vitamin K and ratsWhat is vitamin k? Vitamin K is essential in order for our blood to be able to form clots and stop us from bleeding. Small amounts of vitamin k are…Read More
July 14, 2016How do I know if I have mice?There are lots of ways to tell if you have mice, or other rodents in your home. Seeing the rodent: Sometimes you may actually see the rodent in your home,…Read More
July 1, 2016What is a termite warranty?What is a termite warranty? A termite warranty is a warranty given to an individual for a specific property by a termite company. It is typically only put in place…Read More
June 1, 2016Does firewood attract termites?If you use a wood burning fireplace, and store firewood on your property, take a few minutes to read this article, as it could save you a lot of trouble…Read More
May 15, 2016How to tell the difference between a male and female black widowMost people are able to identify a black widow spider upon sight, mainly by their shiny black body, and the red hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomen. The…Read More
May 1, 2016Frequently asked questions about mice and their breeding habitsAt what age can a mouse have babies? Mice reach their sexual maturity at about 5 weeks. Although they are capable of reproducing at this age, they usually don’t start…Read More