Ever since I was a little boy I have always heard that grandaddy long leg spiders are the most poisonous spiders in the world, but that they can’t bite you because their mouths are too small, and their fangs are too short and weak. I also heard that they carry their venom in their legs. I always feared that I would find the ONE that was just a little bit bigger than the others, and whose mouth was just big enough to bite into me. Thank goodness its not true…its definitely a myth! It’s also interesting to note that they are actually not even classified as spiders.
Even though they are not harmful to humans, daddy long legs are able to bite humans. There was an episode of Myth Busters where someone stuck their arm in with a bunch of these spiders and got bit numerous times. Again…they are not a danger to humans and are not venomous, so nothing bad came of the bites.
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