Locate and Eradicate Chiggers in Your Lawn.
Yep, they are called chiggers, or red bugs, and they are a pest. In the winter, they are not as much of an issue, but that is just the time to make sure they will not pop up in your lawn when spring rolls around. If you want to get rid of chiggers on your property, there are ways to prevent them.
Proactive Pest Control has come up with a guide to use now, while it is cool out, so they cannot invade in the spring. Begin by looking into what a chigger is and how to find them. Then you will be able to get them out once and for all.
Identifying Chiggers
Chiggers are the larvae of the adult mite called the red bug, and they are nearly microscopic. So, actually locating one is relatively difficult. If you were to look at them under a microscope, you’d see the reddish crab/spider bug with eight legs or the larvae with six legs. Although they are almost impossible to see, you sure will know if you have a chigger bite. They are so very itchy and last days.
Where to Find Chiggers
First, suppose you plan on looking for chiggers. In that case, Proactive Pest Control suggests you wear protective clothing head to toe and wear insect repellent. Now, You will find them in shady, wet areas with thick bushes and plant life. If you think you may have chiggers in your yard, take a shallow bowl of water to these areas and wait. If they are there, they will gather around the bowl’s rim. Then get a magnifying glass and check it out!
One more thing, chiggers have what are called “host animals.” These are reptiles, amphibians, and small animals like rodents and rabbits. Placing a fence around the property will help the host animals stay out of the property.
Get Rid of Chiggers For Good
Well, now what? You have located the chiggers in the yard and identified them. So how do you get them out of the yard? Proactive Pest control can spray the lawn for all sorts of insects. But most of the job will involve a bit of yard work. Keeping a well-landscaped or trimmed property is the number one way to keep the chiggers away. Here are some things to do to eliminate chigger habitats before the spring.
- Keep your lawn cut regularly, and be sure it is cut short.
- Make sure the grass is short around the areas the grass line touches the bushes and wooded areas.
- Remove brush and overgrowth regularly so they do not accumulate.
- With bad infestations, eliminate as much of the shade in your yard as possible.
- Trim trees and bushes to allow for sunlight to get all the way through and to the ground.
- Be sure there are no areas host animals would like to nest.
Once all of these measures have been taken, you can call on your local pest control company’s service.
Trust Pro Active Pest Control to Get Rid of Chiggers
If you suspect you have chiggers in your lawn, wear protective clothing and insect spray. Then take a look. If you find them, contact your local pest elimination company.
Call on the trusted services of Proactive Pest Control to get rid of all sorts of lawn pests for you. With the total care and treatment Proactive Provides, your outdoor and indoor areas can be pest free and more enjoyable.
With our experienced technicians and friendly staff, you will rest at ease knowing you and your family are protected from insect and pest invasion.
Don’t delay; contact Proactive Pest Control today!