Proactive Pest Control Keeps Flies Out of Your Home and More
Here is the simple truth about flies. Keeping them out of the house in the first place is really the only way to avoid them. You see, any treatment administered is only temporary. Fly repellants have been proven again and again to have no long-term effects. So, we suggest that our clients do their best to avoid letting them into the house as the first line of prevention. At Proactive Pest Control, we are pleased to educate the public on how to do just that.
As with any type of pest, learning the nuances of the pest you are dealing with helps you understand their habits, the foods they eat, and the seasons to be most aware of. So let’s dive into the more common flies that want to get into our homes.
- House flies
- Fruit flies
- Horseflies
Once you know a bit about the flies themselves, you can begin to employ the tactics and remedies we have proven to effectively keep them out of your home.
Shoo All Types of Flies
There are commonalities all flies carry. They all have a single pair of wings and compound large eyes. They breed in kitchens, pantries, on spoiled food, and in feces; yes, feces. All flies are frustrating to shoo away even though they have a relatively short lifespan.

House Flies
These flies are the most common of the types in homes. They are a worldwide pest and are located all over the US. They are loud, carry disease, and reproduce rapidly. A few flies can lead to an all-out infestation when not controlled regularly.
House flies are dark gray with six legs, and they are about ¼ to 1/8 inch long with oval bodies. They have a lightly hairy body and do not bite or have stingers.

Fruit Flies
Fruit flies are tiny, and yes, they love fruit. The fruit they feed on is decaying or rotting fruit and vegetables. They are tan with a light-colored abdomen, have six legs, and are no bigger than 1/8 inch. They are found all over the US and are also disease vectors. If you have ever had a bunch of bananas a bit too long, you have probably seen tiny pests all around it. Those are the fruit flies.

Horse Flies
Horse flies are the big ones that bother horses and other mammals. They love to swarm near bodies of water, where they breed. Horseflies have a gray to blackish body with dark wings and large eyes. Those eyes are not red like the other flies, but more of a green or purple color. At about 3/8 to 1 and 1/8 inches, they are found all over North America. And their larvae develop in wet soil near large bodies of water, marshes, and swamps.
Now, the female horse flies require a blood meal to reproduce. And the bite from her is painful. That painful bite is due to the ripping and tearing of her teeth so she can lap up the blood. What’s even worse, she is persistent and will continue biting until she has had her fill. Oh, and they will even chase you around until they are finished or are killed.
At Home Fly Remedies
If you want to put forth a reasonable effort to try and repel the flies from your home, here are a few remedies that will work while you are utilizing them. Just remember, no repellant works long-term. They are merely situational. Here is what we suggest.
- Smoke them out. Lighting citronella candles and torches work well for a specific area. So if you have a small table and wish to keep the flies off your food, you can place a candle or two in the center to ward them off. Torches have area ratings, so be sure to have enough to cover the size of the area you are sitting in.
- Trap them. Flytraps attract the them, so you will want to place them somewhere you want the flies to go, away from you and your plate. Mix sugar water to attract flies. Then, once you have a couple of them trapped, the dead flies attract the live ones.
- Install yellow light bulbs. The color yellow is the number one repellant light color. They are good to place near the entrances and outside door light fixtures.
All these are excellent ways to help out. However, preventative methods work best!
Preventing Flying Insects
This is the simplest way to keep flies out, but it requires some effort on your part. You can do several things besides the above remedies to keep them away.
- You can keep flies out of trash cans inside and out by thoroughly cleaning them often. When liquids, sugars, and proteins accumulate in the bottom of the can, they are like fly magnets.
- Another way to reduce the flies in your yard is to clean up pet waste in the yard. After all,they love feces. YUCK.
- Blue lights attract flies. So, if you have a distant part of a large yard, you can place a blue light in a remote area to keep their attention far away from you and your barbecue dinner.
- Inside the home, you will want to keep the house as clean as possible. Make sure spills and crumbs are always picked up immediately. Keep food sealed and pantry doors closed.
- Keep the lies out when you want to let the fresh air in by using screens on windows and screen doors.
- If you are lucky enough to have a garden, keep any fallen fruit picked up off the ground. Then plant bay leaf, basil, mint, and nasturtiums to repel flies and other insects.
Professionally Keeping Insects Out
Professionally speaking, flies that have become a real issue in your home or yard can be treated with dust, baits, sprays, fogs, mists, and electronic fly killers. Therefore if the home remedies and keeping the home clean are just not enough, call your professional pest control company out to get rid of the infestation. Then you can keep up with the population one day at a time.
Comprehensive Pest Control Treatment Plans.
Protect your home from all kinds of pests with our comprehensive pest control treatment plans. In Georgia, house flies, pests, and insects are to be expected. We offer complete pest control treatment plans for all sorts of insects, including termites, mosquitos, fire ants, and flea and tick issues.
Our methods are entirely safe, and you can trust them in your home, business, around your children, and around your pets. Proactive Pest Control is family-owned and operated and offers the experts you need to take pest control to the next level.
Schedule Your Free Consultation Now and keep the pests out in 2022.